Most of you know of the colorectal cancer (CRC) screening test that you can do at home and mail in. This test is called Cologuard and is a two part test; it looks for DNA mutations and microscopic traces of blood in your stool, also called a FIT. There has been a great push to utilize this test in the last few years as it is less invasive and no need to take time off of work to complete.
An article A practical Overview of the Stool DNA Test for Colorectal Cancer Screening published by the American College of Gastroenterology, 2022, discussed the findings of the characteristics for the DNA/FIT test vs FIT testing alone as compared to colonoscopy. This pivotal study looked at 9,989 average-risk individuals’ ages 50-84 that completed the DNA/FIT test, FIT test alone, and a follow up colonoscopy. The results show that the DNA/FIT test detects 92.3% of CRC vs FIT alone which detects 73.8%. It also finds that 42% of polyps 10 mm or greater. So Cologuard miss rate or false negative rate is 8% for colon cancer and 58% of polyps 1 cm or greater; not only can it miss cancer that has already developed but it is not effective in detecting pre-cancerous polyps. This same study found false positive rate of 13%, for most of these patients they will have a worry that they have colon cancer until the colonoscopy can be done. In an area that does not have access to quality colonoscopy the Cologuard study maybe appropriate, if the patient understand the miss rate of this test. However in the North Country high quality colonoscopy is available and should be the first choice.